At this point, we began working from home, away from university, and maintaining as much social isolation as possible. people as possible. As we remain at home and are forced to eat items that have been in our refrigerator or pantry for a while, we must get creative. Temporarily, we are leading a sedentary lifestyle characterised by greater odds of physical inactivity, excessive eating, and sitting.

Anxiety, stress, and depression. In particular, during the pandemic, many of us will gain weight and may retain it. lasting weight gain, which may pose significant health concerns for type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and heart attack. stroke, as well as other health issues. Here, I’d want to share some fundamental tips and tools for maintaining a good lifestyle, body weight, and overall health while staying at home and engaging in social distancing.

1.  Calculate and Monitor Your Weight

Keeping a daily or weekly record of your body weight will assist you determine what you’re losing and/or gaining.

you’re acquiring.

2. Eat fewer unhealthy foods and more nutritious meals.

Do not forget to have breakfast and select a nutritious meal with increased protein and fibre and decreased fat, sugar, and sodium.

3. Take Multivitamin Supplements

Taking a daily multivitamin supplement is recommended for ensuring adequate nutritional levels especially when you lack a variety of fruits and veggies at home. Numerous micronutrients are essential for your immune system, as well as vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, and E, zinc, iron, copper, selenium, and magnesium. Currently, however, there is NO proof that adding vitamins or “wonder mineral supplements” additions to your diet will aid in virus protection and healing. In rare instances, large vitamin dosages might be harmful.

4. Consume Water to Maintain Hydration and Limit Sugary Beverages

Consume water frequently to maintain good health, but there is NO evidence that drinking water frequently (e.g., every 15 minutes) has any health benefits. It can aid in the prevention of any viral infection.

5. Regularly exercise and be physically active

Currently, working out at home may be a good choice. Alternatively, you can walk your dog or run outside. Be sure you Know what is happening in your area and whether or not there are limits or mandatory self-quarantines.

6. Reduce Screen Time and Sitting Time

Exercise does not provide immunity from inactive time. Even regular exercisers may be at increased risk

Those who spend a great deal of time sitting in front of a computer are at increased risk for diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Practically Consider taking frequent breaks from sitting by getting up and walking around the workplace or room.

7. Get Adequate Restful Sleep

There is a strong relationship between sleep quantity and quality and immunity. You can keep your Maintain a healthy immune system by sleeping seven to eight hours per night.

8. Reduce your alcohol intake and stay sober

Alcohol does not provide protection against the coronavirus infection. Don’t forget that alcoholic beverages have calories. Calculate quickly. Alcohol consumption should always be moderate. Please refer to the AHA’s recommendations.

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