The human body’s largest organ is the skin. Because it is the first thing people see about a person, the skin on the face requires specific care. Maintaining proper hydration is important since younger-looking skin is softer and more elastic. Face moisturisers are typically creams or lotions that deeply hydrate and nourish the skin. The moisturiser also shields the skin from environmental deterioration. If someone wishes to have young, healthy skin, it must be a part of their skincare regimen.

Humectants, emollients, and occlusives are the three key components of a moisturiser. The humectants are substances with a water base that attract and retain moisture. Glycerin, glycol, hyaluronic acid, and urea are common humectants. Emollients are thin plant oils that make the skin feel softer, smoother, and more radiant. Common emollients include jojoba and argan oils. Occlusives create a barrier of protection by sealing the moisture inside the skin. Common occlusives include petrolatum and lanolin.

Types of facial moisturisers

  • Gel: Moisturizers in the gel form are easily absorbed by the skin. Due to the lack of oil in most gel moisturisers, they do not feel greasy. They are much better for oily and acne-prone skin because they contain emollients and humectants.
  • Lotion: Lotions are quick to absorb and feel light on the skin. They have a watery texture rather than being creamy. Due to the higher water content in lotion, bacteria grow more quickly. Bacteria cannot develop when preservatives like paraben and benzyl alcohol are added. Lotions therefore have the greatest additional substances.
  • Cream: Creams are moisturisers with an oil base. They are the greatest option for persons with dry and mixed skin types because of their thick substance. Additionally, occlusives and emollients are found in cream moisturisers.

How do moisturisers function?

There are two ways that moisturisers function. Either they retain the moisture that has been lost from the skin’s outer surface or they capture it inside the skin and temporarily seal it. Ceramides and polyhydroxy acid, for example, are components of moisturisers that take the role of natural lipids and skin conditioners. They give the skin a silky, smooth appearance.

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How should I pick a moisturiser?

Experts in skin care advise choosing moisturisers for different skin types. People with dry skin must use a thicker-textured cream moisturiser. It gives the skin more hydration. Avoid using moisturisers with a thick viscosity if you have oily skin. It may cause acne by clogging the pores. People with oily skin should use a gel moisturiser.

Advantages of Using Moisturiser

  • wrinkles are avoided by moisturising the skin and avoiding dryness. The skin’s ability to retain moisture is improved with moisturisers. Skin that is properly moisturised keeps its moisture and delays the appearance of wrinkles.
  • hydrates the skin: Hydrated skin appears smooth, plump, and healthy. A pale complexion and flaky appearance are caused by dry skin.
  • Keeps skin young: Dry skin soon becomes damaged, showing signs of flaking and peeling. The ability of the skin to manufacture collagen and heal itself is enhanced by moisturisers.
  • Prevents blemishes: The majority of moisturisers contain chemicals that mask redness, discoloration, and blemishes. They support having even skin tone and supple skin.
  • Sensitive skin is soothed by the correct moisturisers, which hydrate, balance, and soothe skin without making it greasy. Therefore, moisturised skin is free of redness, rashes, eczema, and itching areas.


Face moisturisers are necessary to maintain the skin’s moisture and guard against environmental deterioration. Young and senior folks now include them in their skincare regimens. They support them in maintaining their skin’s balance, protection, and silkiness.


Sophia is an entrepreneur and blogger. She is passionate about software, disruptive technology, personal development, and inspiring others.

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